[One Page Rules] 40K Kill Team - Regeln v2.0

  • Ich habe mir die Regeln durchgelesen, und weil einige Sachen ja total geändert wurden bzw. mir nicht ganz plausibel waren, habe ich sie im Forum der One Page Rules angesprochen, und vom Regeldesigner eine Antwort bekommen:

    Hier meine Frage:


    Three questions on the v2.0 release:
    - Why did you delete the Rules for "Hunkering" and "Guard"? I thought those were fun... (although I haven't played yet).
    - Why isn't there a difference between "solid" and "soft" cover? I suppose that some kind of concrete wall provides better protection than some bushes...?
    - Can heavy weapons such as Mortars or Missile Launchers really move & shoot in one activation? If so, what good is the action "hold"???

    Und hier die Antwort:


    - Hunkering and Guard were removed for simplicity and to make the game be more in line with regular 40k to facilitate transition between games.
    - Soft/Hard cover is not in here simply because of simplicity. If you want a difference you can make the armor save granted by cover different values, maybe 5+ for concealment, 4+ for soft cover and 3+ for hard cover.
    - The Hold action is there for special rules that require you to use it (such as the Relentless special rule). And yes, unless stated otherwise all weapons can move and shoot (though i know of some people that don't allow you to).

    Was meinst ihr so? Ich fände die Unterteilung zwischen verschiedenen Sorten von Deckung sehr reizvoll, und auch die Aktionen "Guard" und "Hunker" fand ich sehr cool... erinnern ein wenig an die 2. Edition Warhammer 40K (aka "Feuerbereitschaft"), und zu einem Skirmish gehört das imho irgendwie dazu...

  • Prince

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